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Ms. Kristina Stroeve

Teacher | Librarian
530.268.3700 ext. 4820 | 4624
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English 2

Grade Level: 10 NCAA 1
Prerequisites: None
Graduation Requirement: Yes - UC/CSU “B”
English 2 is designed to reinforce the skills learned in English 1 and to further develop skills in writing, oral
communication, literary analysis and interpretation, research skills, and written and oral language conventions. 

English 2H

Grade Level: 10
Repetitions for Credit: No
Prerequisites: English 1X and/or teacher  recommendation
Graduation Requirement: Yes (in place of English 2) - UC/CSU 'B'
English 2H emphasizes the same curriculum as English 2. However, students read additional works of greater difficulty and will be expected  to achieve an advanced level of coherence, unity and critical thinking in their work.
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